The Data Quality Journey: Focus on Environmental Monitoring Systems


This webinar will guide you into the journey of data, with a specific focus on Environmental Monitoring Systems for pharmaceutical cleanroom.

We will dig into the design, implementation, and validation of an EMS as essential steps to ensure generation of meaningful data, then we will describe best practices to enable data to become “information”, and support improvement or correction decision

  • How to ensure your Environmental Monitoring System is properly designed and validated, with specific reference to the selection of sampling point and risk-based approach.
  • How to properly configure alert and action limits, and ensure a continuous adjustment/improvement of them, according to ISO standards
  • How to make multidimensional analysis of data, to identify contamination root cause and generate CAPA.
Webinar Presented By:
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Christian Glosse
Associate Product Line Manager
Dan Rodier
Ph.D, Technology Development Manager, Electronics Division Particle Measuring Systems

Dr. Rodier has a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Colorado and has over 25 years of experience developing and implementing technologies and strategies to measure airborne molecular species and particulate contamination. He has worked with customers across Asia, Europe, and North America to implement monitoring programs in the semiconductor, disk drive, and display industries.