新闻稿:PMS和Pharma Integration公司推出用于自动微生物空气采样的BioCapt® Single-Use AutoM一次性浮游菌采样头
Andy Cowan被任命为PMS总裁。
PMS宣布收购Environmental Monitoring Services Irl. Limited和EMS Particle Solutions Ltd,此次收购将英国和爱尔兰的销售模式转变为直营模式。
立即使用BioCapt® Single-Use 100微生物采样器进行全新应用,包括微污染故障排除。
Ultra DI®20 Plus秉承了美国粒子监测系统公司(PMS)著名Ultra DI®系列仪器所具备的行业领先的灵敏度和可靠性。该最新款粒子计数器在浓度低于每毫升10个粒子的情况下具有无可匹敌的粒子匹配性能,且产品优化后,提高了对不同粒子计数器之间报告数据差异的可信度置信度,而无需考虑所在位置。
新型MiniCapt® Pro具有可调节功能,可提供完全兼容的远程微生物监测功能,内置泵和先进的通信选项,可进行远程的活性粒子监测
The role of data quality systems in pharmaceutical organizations has grown faster than any other function during the last 15 years. During this period, a small group dedicated to traditional Compliance grew and expanded to include Quality Experts in areas such as validation, product release, operations, sterility assurance, and other…
Why the USP 1788 update? New flow imaging technologies and therapeutic protein solutions widened the scope of USP 1788. Three primary technologies are discussed in each of the sub-parts of the guidance document: Light Obscuration (LO) is still the preferred first-pass method for the USP Normative chapters. If a solution is…